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Document translations
If you need to submit documents with your passport application and they are not in English, you must get them translated.
The DIA Translation Service can translate your documents for you.
The Translation Service – Te Pūtahi Whakawhiti Reo
You may also get your documents translated by:
- the government agency that issued the original document
- an approved translator, or
- a court in the country that issued the document.
You must send us your original documents as well as the English translations.
If your translations are not acceptable, the Passport Office will contact you.
The Translation Service
Department of Internal Affairs
PO Box 805
Wellington 6140
Freephone: 0800 872 675 (NZ only)
Phone: +64 (4) 460 2220
Need an interpreter?
If you need an interpreter to speak with someone from the Passport Office, the DIA Translation Service can provide one for you.
Call us on the number above and tell us which language you need an interpreter for.
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